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    来源:https://www.jnqhmj.com/ 日期:2021-04-19 发布人:admin

    As an industrial manufacturing tool, die steel is very common. There are many types of die steel, so the function and applicability are different, so it is very important to choose the die steel with good quality and carry out the correct heat treatment. Today, Jinan mold will introduce the quality requirements of mold steel.
    1、 Requirements of die steel in metallurgical quality
    Only high metallurgical quality can give full play to the basic characteristics of steel matrix. The internal metallurgical quality of die steel has the same significance as its basic properties. While studying the properties, we must study the influencing factors of metallurgical quality. Generally, the internal and external quality problems of die steel are as follows:
    (1) Uniformity of chemical composition
    Die steel is usually an alloy steel containing multi elements. When the steel solidifies from liquid state in ingot mold, due to selective crystallization, various elements in the liquid steel are unevenly distributed in the solidification structure and form segregation. The segregation of chemical composition will cause differences in microstructure and properties, which is one of the important factors affecting the quality of steel. Reducing the segregation of steel can effectively improve the properties of steel. In recent years, many metallurgical plants at home and abroad are committed to producing steel with uniform composition and fine structure.
    (2) Non metallic inclusions in steel
    Good quality steel not only chemical composition to meet the technical standards, but also the content of non-metallic inclusions in the steel should be as small as possible, because the volume of non-metallic inclusions in the steel is very small, but it has a great impact on the performance of the steel. Reducing non-metallic inclusions in steel is one of the main tasks of steelmaking.
    The non-metallic inclusion in steel can be regarded as a certain size crack in the basic sense. It destroys the continuity of metal and causes stress concentration. Under the action of external stress, the crack extension is easy to develop and expand, which leads to the performance degradation.
    The existence of plastic inclusions, along with the forging and rolling process, causes the steel to produce anisotropy. At the same time, the surface roughness of the mold is improved by the spalling of inclusions in the polishing process. Therefore, for large and important die, it is very important to improve the purity of steel.
    What are the quality requirements of die steel? The above is the relevant knowledge of die steel introduced to you by Jinan die. You can use the above points as a reference when you choose the die steel with excellent quality and carry out the correct heat treatment.






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